Seniors Open

Seniors Open

📅 Friday 17th May, 2024

The date for this competition has now passed.

Brierley Forest Golf Club

💷 Entry price per player: £60.00 per team includes bacon cob

📋 Competition information

The Tees were changed from Whites to Yellows for the men in September 2020 to make the competition more enjoyable.

The 4BBB competition was taken over by the management from August 2021.

1) May Seniors Open: Best 2 from 4, Stableford

Maximum Strokes Received: Men 24, Ladies 36.

These competitions are age restricted to players over 55 years old on the first day of the tournament.

May Seniors Open: All four players play each hole, and the best two Stableford scores will count.

Winners: Vouchers
The number of winners depend on number of entrants

Nearest Pins on all Par 3s: Prizes or vouchers

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